OBJAVILA JE FOTKU SA MUŽEM: Ali svi su primetili OVAJ detalj! Usledio je HOROR!

Džena Kučer (29) iz Viskonsina je fotografkinja venčanja, koja se sama udala za muškarca svojih snova, a fotografije s njim redovno objavljuje na društvenim mrežama.

Ali, njeni pratitelji često je ispituju kako je moguće da je uhvatila tako zgodnog frajera s obzirom na to da ona ima višak kilograma.


Njen suprug Dru, naime, ima savršeno ”isklesano” telo dok je Džena malo punija pa mnogi komentarišu kako ga ne zaslužuje.

Džena je sada odlučila stati na kraj svim zlim jezicima.

I GOT A FACELIFT! 💆🏼‍♀️ Okay, okay, I didn’t get one but my website did (and if you thought our last site was beautiful, this one is INSANE!) 👋🏻 I remember one of my friends telling me once, “Jenna, your superpower is helping people find their special sauce!” And I set out to help the world find what their “mac and cheese” is! 🧀 On top of a brand new website, I have a POP QUIZ for you that makes cosmo quizzes look silly. In less than one minute I’ll help you discover what sets you apart and give you the next steps to own your awesome. ⏰ SPOILER ALERT: some people are ugly crying reading their results… Yes, we’ve been told they are GOLD. 🥇 So hop to the link, take the quiz, poke around and enjoy Jenna Kutcher 2.0 designed by the one, the only @jenolmstead! 👇🏼 Tell me below! What was your quiz result? I’m dying to know!

A post shared by JENNA KUTCHER (@jennakutcher) on Dec 20, 2017 at 12:10pm PST

“I sama sam se pitala kako ja, devojka s oblinama, mogu imati njega, gospodina sa savršenim trbušnim mišićima? Zbog toga sam se osećala manje vrednom i kada bih se setila da nisam mršava, mislila sam da ga ne zaslužujem. Ali, ovaj muškarac prihvata svaku moju oblinu, svaku udubinu, kilogram i bubuljicu zadnjih 10 godina i stalno me podseća na to koliko sam predivna čak i kada ja to ne mislim (i kada se ne istuširam nekoliko dana)”, napisala ona zaključila:

I vow to always travel the world with you and pack so much I have to sit on my suitcase and you pray TSA doesn’t open it. ✈️ I vow to be silly, to memorize each freckle on your face, to never take waking up next to you for granted, and to still grab your butt even when you’re old and wrinkly! 👴🏻 Double tap if that’s the kind of love you want! Photo: @janelle.sutton

A post shared by JENNA KUTCHER (@jennakutcher) on Jan 28, 2018 at 6:23pm PST

“Moje ruke su velike, bedra se ljube, a zadnjica mi je neravna, ali to znači da ima više mene da voli njega i izabrala sam muškarca koji se može nositi s time. Ja sam puno više od svoga tela, kao i on, kao i ti. Prava ljubav ne gleda veličinu.”

I want to look back on the season and see that we kept showing up: in life, in our marriage, in sharing our struggle, in keeping it real, in celebrating the joy. I want to remember this trip that started as running away from our problems but ended with coffee in bed, mezcal margaritas and nights spent spooning. I want to remember this hilarious thing I said to Drew to see his smile lines inch across his face. I am confident we will look back on this season and remember all of the in between moments that it holds, the ups and downs, the highs and lows but above all, we just keep showing up. Double tap if you agree that @kickingitwithkutch is a handsome, handsome man. 🙌🏻 #goals #imarriedup #rememberingbabykutch

A post shared by JENNA KUTCHER (@jennakutcher) on Jun 21, 2017 at 9:42am PDT

Njenu objavu svi su podržali.


“Bože dragi, predivna si. Srećan je što te ima. On je u dobroj formi i to je dobro za njega, ali sigurna sam da zna što ima”, samo je jedan od brojnih komentara.

GIVEAWAY CLOSED: congrats to @jenniferlanders_! You won! DOUBLE TAP IF REAL RETOUCHED! New year, new you? Screw those weight loss resolutions and focus on self-love, self-care, and self-acceptance. Since the world is telling us all that THIS is the year we’ll lose 20 lbs or cut those extra inches. 👋🏻 I’m here to tell you something different: this is THE year you’re going to treat your body well and fuel it with the good stuff – like organic superfoods? Yeah, as a girl on the go (and someone who hates breakfast) GAME CHANGER! 👙 I’m teaming up with my fave to host a GIVEAWAY! Enter to win 6 Month supply of Orgain plant-based protein powder! 1️⃣ Make sure you’re following me (@jennakutcher) and @drinkorgain. 2️⃣ “Like” this post! 3️⃣ Tag 3 friends below who inspire you to love yourself and treat your body good! 🧘‍♀️ That’s it, easy peasy! Maybe new year, new you isn’t so far off after all! Something beautiful happens when you love yourself enough to fuel your body with the right stuff!

A post shared by JENNA KUTCHER (@jennakutcher) on Jan 11, 2018 at 12:36pm PST


Kurir.rs/Foto: Printscreen Instagram



(VIDEO) 20 MINUTA JE PISALA ZAVETE I PLAKALA: A onda mu obećala da će ga zadovoljavati oralno svaki dan do kraja života… ŠOK!

(FOTO) UDALA SE VIKTORIJIN ANĐEO: O njenoj venčanici priča ceo svet!

PRE 3 MESECA SE TAJNO UDALA ZA SLAVNOG TENISERA: Prvi put progovorila šta misli o bračnom životu!


